Earlier this year I got the great privilege to photograph the Arizona Capitol building’s dome! The state had just replaced the original copper plating so it was very shiny, like a new penny! For the Centennial festivities on our state’s birthday {February 14th} it was also requested to light the dome and the Nike statue. […]
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Downtown Chamber Series; March 2012
March 13, 2012

Sunday evening I got the pleasure to spend some time shooting for the Downtown Chamber Series for their March concert, and this time they performed for three evenings at Legend City Studios (521 west Van Buren, Phoenix). In case you’re not aware of DCS, these are musicians from the Phoenix Symphony who volunteer their time […]
IIDA Couture 2012
March 7, 2012

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) held it’s annual fashion show benefiting the Ronald McDonald House Charities in Phoenix and the IIDA Southwest Chapter. The fashion show was located this year at the Phoenix Downtown Sheraton and all the stunning hair/makeup styling was accomplished by Toni&Guy. IIDA is a professional networking and educational association of […]
Downtown Chamber Series; January 2012
January 23, 2012

Well, the Downtown Chamber Series (DCS) did it again with another amazing evening of sights and sounds that left the audience grinning ear to ear. This concert was held two nights (Jan 13 & 15) at MonOrchid in downtown Phoenix. If you don’t know DCS look them up on Facebook and ‘like’ them so you […]
Downtown Chamber Series; November 2011
November 7, 2011

The Downtown Chamber Series held their November concert at the Ice House venue of downtown Phoenix (429 West Jackson Street). It was a spectacular evening featuring a 911 photography exhibition, sculpture, and a chamber string quartet performing works by Schubert and Dvorak. Have a look at the photos and check out the website for the Downtown […]
Jill & Friends Make a Celebration
October 26, 2011

What a fun idea! Jill invited all her gal pals over for her birthday and we did a photo shoot. Everybody got glammed-up and we walked a short distance to North Mountain Park and voilà we had ourselves a high-fashion shoot on our hands. BTW, these girls brought it! The intent was to do something […]
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
September 10, 2011

The organization Patient Power contracted my video production friend Kevin (tvkevin) to film interviews with doctors and patient testimonials on behalf of the new Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center. In turn they then also needed still photography to document the day for web blogs and articles to appear in Gateway to the East Valley Magazine […]
The Downtown Chamber Series; July 2011
August 3, 2011

Once again I had the great pleasure the photograph The Downtown Chamber Series (DCS) last week, and this time we were at a new location hosted by the Phoenix Art Museum! In case you’re not aware of DCS, these are musicians from the Phoenix Symphony who volunteer their time to play chamber music in interesting […]
The Downtown Chamber Series; May 2011
May 10, 2011

Once again on Saturday I had the honor to photograph The Downtown Chamber Series performing at the Ice House. The group consists of members from the Phoenix Symphony and perform chamber music in eclectic locations. They share the space with artwork that is always enjoyed during the intermission when everyone grabs a glass of wine […]
Wig Out Party
May 7, 2011

The spring is always a busy season for us photographers. With that said, it’s been awhile since I have been able to add a new post to the blog, but today I gotta sneak one in. Last night I shot the Don’t Be A Chump, Check for A Lump; WIG OUT party and auction fundraiser […]
July 10, 2012